Fivepark closelogo 1600 xxx q85

Five Park

A New Gateway for Miami Beach

A Brand That Promises Transformation

Rising up from the entrance to Miami Beach, a transformative new project; with a public three-acre park at its feet, Five Park is heralding a new era for the city. For Terra and GFO, Watson built an all encompassing brand experience that pays homage to Miami Beach’s past while celebrating its future. We revived Rosie the elephant, the fun-loving embodiment of 1920’s Miami Beach, as the brand mark, while the keen eye and brush of artist Ruben Toledo places the vibrant culture and pace of life here at the forefront – lush, transformative and full of joy.

Fivepark salesgallery 7713 1600 0x0x3000x2000 q85
Fivepark salesgallery 7713 1600 0x0x3000x2000 q85
Parkstill 1600 0x0x1920x1073 q85
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Fivepark salesgallery 7676 1600 0x0x2200x1505 q85
Bcard v5 02 1600 0x0x1920x1423 q85
Bcard v5 02 1600 0x0x1920x1423 q85
Screen shot 2022 10 11 at 5.43.19 pm 1600 0x0x2058x1152 q85
Book 1600 0x0x2200x1405 q85
Book 1600 0x0x2200x1405 q85
Verticalstand 1600 0x0x2138x1424 q85
Verticalstand 1600 0x0x2138x1424 q85
Stationery mockup 1600 0x0x1920x1084 q85
Stationery mockup 1600 0x0x1920x1084 q85
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